Free Initial Assessment

" When you appoint the right certified immigration consultant, who will work competently and with quality on your file details, you increase your chances of getting a student visa acceptance"

Our Study-to-Immigrate program can help you get started studying in Canada.

Our dedicated education and admission counsellors will help you find the right program based on your needs, and help you apply to the school. Once you’ve been accepted into a Canadian school, we’ll be able to help you apply for a study permit. Fill out our free online student assessment today to find out if you may be eligible to come to Canada as a student.

Where Your

Immigration is Done RIGHT

How it Works?


Our Skilled Education and Admission Counsellors will help you decide

on your education pathway and the route you’re going to take ​to your future career.

" We believe in the transformational power of education and we are passionate

about helping students and families make the right educational choices"

Hend Mahdy

Legal & Immigration Services

1- Get the right information from skilled Education & Admission counsellor; which we provide as a-special-free-of-charge service.

Whether you are a high-school, a college or university graduate in your home country, and based on the information you provide in the Student Assessment Form, our highly experienced education and admission counsellors will:

  • Advise you on the best programs matching your desired field of study and the length of each program along with the associated tuition fees.

  • Support you in finding the right learning institution, whether it is a community college and private career college, which provides the academic program that best suits you.

  • Connect you with your preferred learning institution and help you get ready applying to it.

2- After you apply to the designated learning institution of your choice and get accepted, you will need to get an acceptance letter from this institution to be able to apply for a study permit.

3- Then, our Immigration and Legal Consultant will compile your study-permit documents and file it for you once completed.

4- Immediately after you finish studying you may be eligible to apply for a post-graduation work permit which allows you to stay and work in Canada. With a sufficient combination of Canadian education and Canadian skilled work experience, you can become eligible to apply for permanent residence. Completing studies in Canada does not guarantee Canadian permanent residence, but it greatly increases your eligibility!

Top reasons why to study in Canada? 

  • You will receive quality education.
  • Canada is one of the top safest countries in the world.
  • Canada is characterised by its multiculturalism, inclusion & acceptance.
  • Lower tuition fees.
  • You can enter the Canadian workforce.
  • You can immigrate to Canada.
  • You don’t have to be young.
  • You can bring your family.